We want to hear from you! If you’d like more information on USAID Urban please email urban@usaid.gov. If you’d like more information on USAID’s work on ocean plastic pollution, please email oceanplastics@usaid.gov. We’ll be sure to respond to you as soon as we are able.

UrbanLinks is the USAID public-facing, web-based platform for the USAID Urban team, and is managed by the Advancing Capacity for the Environment (ACE) Project. If you have questions about the site, please contact the ACE team at shardeman@ace-program.org or Jeremy Green jegreen@usaid.gov.

Submit your content for UrbanLinks

USAID offices, missions and implementing partners are invited to submit content for inclusion on urban-links.org. Send your success stories, evaluation results, project reports, etc to shardeman@ace-program.org. We’ll contact to you to confirm receipt and will work with you to finalize the content to publish.